New Mental Health and Global Conflict Page

Dear Mental Health America community:

As we bear witness to the horrific images and the bottomless grief emerging from Israel and Gaza, we fear the next global mental health emergency unfolding
before us. Millions will carry the scars of this time for generations to come – it is unavoidable.

In the U.S., we see and hear the ongoing terror and trauma of those in physical harm’s way through the inescapable proximity of our social media feeds.
The scale of fear and sadness is impossible for most to fathom – however for millions of Americans with direct ties to the regions, the pain can be acute to unbearable.
And now close to home we worry for the safety of our friends and loved ones as hate-based and religious attacks spill over into our communities.

In our mission to support mental health and resilience for all and to prioritize those at
disparate risk, Mental Health America is responding to this moment by offering a new
collection of mental health resources for times of crisis. With the increasing frequency of
collectively traumatizing events, such as war, we recognize the need for mental health-specific preparation.

Our new Mental Health and Global Conflict page includes information on common emotional responses and actionable ways to cope. It also includes additional resources –
from both MHA and trusted partners – regarding many challenges individuals face during
war, including:

· Supporting youth
· Dealing with traumatic online and news content
· Self-care during direct advocacy work
· Community care
· Understanding trauma
· Coping with fear, anger, and grief
· Sexual violence

Safety is a basic human need. Peace is protective. While we may be far from peace at present, for the sake of our collective mental health and that of our children,
we must support ourselves and one another in understanding and coping
with the impact of war, trauma, and crises.

We stand in sorrow with all who are grieving and in solidarity with all who are working for an end to violence.